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Writer's pictureNanzi Medrano

La Lucha Sigue!

Updated: Jul 21, 2019

I created this image with the intention of empowering Mexican-American students to continue their education despite all the political topics they face every day.  I am proud to be of Mexican heritage and to have grown up learning to embrace two different cultures at the same time. I learned to accept it by combining all of the good things of the two countries and being myself. I have the best of both worlds. However, as a Mexican-American student in the present, I have difficulties with the education I am receiving in a system that was not created for me, a student of color. It is a system that wants me to be "Americanized". It is a system of education in which I question my identity because the color of my skin is not light enough to be privileged but is dark enough to be Mexican. The fight continues! No system is powerful enough to erase the history of my cultural heritages. We have the power to continue with the legacy of our ancestors and the struggle they endured to give us a better future. This legacy gives me the strength to continue with my education and to continue to learn from my culture. The knowledge I obtain, not the diploma I receive from an institution, will make the difference in my communities. The importance of receiving a diploma from higher education is not only obtain it, but also it is about what we do with it.

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